Anti-fingerprints fluorinated coating for anodized titanium avoiding color alteration
J. Coat. Technol. Res. 2011, 8, 153-160
W. Navarrini, T. Brivio, D. Capobianco, M. V. Diamanti, M. Pedeferri, L. Magagnin, G. Resnati
In this study amorphous fluorinated coatings applied to anodized titanium surface have been investigated. A copolymer between tetrafluoroethylene and perfluoro-4-trifluoromethoxy-1,3-dioxole (AD60) and two perfluoropolyether containing ammonium phosphate (F10) or triethoxysilane (S10) functionalities have been tested. To estimate the color alteration of the anodized titanium surfaces due to the application of the coatings, spectrophotometric analyses have been made. Water and n-dodecane contact angles as well as apparent surface energy have been evaluated. Ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy data have been used to measure the thickness of the fluorinated coatings. A tailored mechanical preliminary test has also been explored to evaluate the adhesion of the coatings on the anodized titanium surface. The resistance to surface soiling with castor oil was also preliminarily investigated. The fluorinated coating tested on anodized titanium showed a low apparent surface energy and high chromatic aspect conservation, this is particularly evident for the titanium anodized coated with triethoxysilane functionalities fluoropolymers S10.